*What refrigerator staple can save your knocked out tooth while you run to the dentist?
*True or false? Teeth are the hardest substance in the human body.
*True or false? Maintaining good oral health can help prevent a heart attack.
*What are 3 cheeses that have been found to protect teeth from decay?
-Aged cheddar, Swiss, and Monterey jack
*Where did the first dental school open up and what was it called?
-Baltimore College of Dental Surgery in Baltimore, Maryland
*What year did the first dental school open up?
*How many teeth do adults have?
*How many baby teeth do kids have?
*What animal has an unlimited supply of teeth?
*True or false? Turtles and tortoises have a set of teeth.
*What part of the mouth is specific to a person like a finger print?
-The tongue
*What is the most common item choked on by Americans?
*What are the biggest teeth in your mouth?
*What fruit contains bacteria killing properties?
*What leafy green vegetable can reduce tooth sensitivity?
*What bad habit makes you 4x more likely to lose your teeth?
How many were you able to get right?!